

logo food的相關標籤

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關於logo food的評價, HOCC

【有種感動】 呢塊隧道廣告Billboard,係我地團隊對大家嘅回禮, 而呢片空間,係你地一個一個單位,集體獨家贊助出嚟嘅。 係你地一齊向其他人證明咗,小個體也可以登上大舞台。 衷心感謝各位有種贊...

關於food logo的評價, HOCC

【有種感動】 呢塊隧道廣告Billboard,係我地團隊對大家嘅回禮, 而呢片空間,係你地一個一個單位,集體獨家贊助出嚟嘅。 係你地一齊向其他人證明咗,小個體也可以登上大舞台。 衷心感謝各位有種贊...

With your support for the past 23 days, we have managed to raise RM 436,806.10 ! Masks: RM 19,950 1st batch PPE, Face Shields, Goggles: RM 127,006 2nd batch PPE & Goggles: RM 139,290 Essential FOOD giveaways for 2.5 weeks supply: RM 17,824.50 Total expense: 304, 070.50 Balance now: RM 132,735.60 Because of your contribution😭😉,we are able to carry out this work on YOUR BEHALF to help those in dire need. You all are the ones who have made everything happen!👍👏💪 I want to shout out 'I LOVE YOU !😘 Our Fund Raising is still on-going, 我们的筹款活动还在持续, Fund Raising kita masih dijalankan. UNITED, WE ARE STRONG! Your donation can be made to: Little Yellow Flower Berhad Account Number:514721664449 (Maybank) Please send receipts:017-3844123 OR 016-2255687 OR [email protected]. Special Thanks for additional Face Shields to: 康园中医医疗中心(Nicare Chinese Medicine Hall), Starcity Global Sdn Bhd and 詹雪英女士 Also to Logo Printer: E-Poch Creations Sdn Bhd #Littleyellowflowereducationfoundation #LittleYellowFlowerCharityforFrontliners #LYFMCOdrivefortheunderprivileged #小黄花慈善教育基金会 #EPochCreations32

With your support for the past 23 days, we have ma...